1V- Introduction of gametogenesis.pdf
L2- Gametogenesis B.pdf
Recording of spermatogenesis
Recording of oogenesis
ovarian&uterine cycles.pdf
ovarian&uterine cycles.pptx
embryology 4.m4a
4V- First week Fertilization- Implantation.pdf
Recording of fertilization
Recording of implantation
L5 - Second week.pdf
notochord (1).pdf
7V- Folding of the embryo.pdf
Embryo 7.m4a
L7 - Folding of the embryology (Youtube)
8V- Amnion Yolk sac.pdf
Embryo 8.m4a
9V- Umbilical cord 17V- Placenta.pdf
L9 - part 1 (youtube)
L9 - part 2 (youtube)
10V- functions 19- congenital placenta 20- Twins (2).pdf
L10 - part 1
L10 - part 2
L10 - part 3
Archive- emberyology mid 21 copy.pdf
ارشيف امبريو فاينل - Copy.pdf
امبريو فاينل وريد.pdf
Wateen archive final solved 2.pdf
Embryology-Archive nabd.pdf
موقع اسئلة
Embryoارشيف اول محاضرتين .pdf
ارشيف المحاضرة الثالثة embryology.pdf
Embryology archive.pdf
Embryology 1.pdf
Embryology week 5 .pdf
Quzlet for embryology
Overian cycle.pdf